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Registration Open for Local 4408 Steward Workshop/Training Seminars (In-Person Oct. 28 and Nov. 9)

Steward Workshop/Training

This training seminar will concentrate on the knowledge needed to be an effective Union Steward. Learn the basics of what and how a union functions, learn duties of a steward, tips for organizing your members, learn basic grievance procedures and much more. We are hoping to fill these sessions with those interested in becoming stewards and will schedule other training for existing stewards in the months to come.

9:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Illinois Federation of Teachers

700 S. College, Springfield, IL 62704


Thursday, November 9, 2021

Illinois Federation of Teachers

700 S. College, Springfield, IL 62704

Lunch will be provided

Members under the IFPE/CMS Master Contract are afforded time off without loss of pay to attend (Article XXIV IFPE Rights Section 5. Leaves to Attend IFPE Meetings)

Class size is limited so please reserve your spot today! Contact Linda Medlock at: 217/523-3722 or


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