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Vote Early and Vote YES for a Fair Tax!

(via the Illinois Federation of Teachers)

A lot is at stake in this election, and we need everyone to get out and vote. Here’s how:

  • Vote early! Early voting is now open across Illinois. Find the closest location and hours here. You can vote early from now until Monday, November 2.

  • Vote by mail! This is the safest option while Covid-19 continues to spread. You can apply to vote by mail until October 29 (We encourage you to apply as soon as possible to avoid postal delays!), and ballots must be postmarked by November 3. Find out more here.

  • Vote on Election Day! This year, Governor Pritzker has declared Election Day a state holiday for K-12 shools. This ensures that polling places in school buildings are only open to voters, not staff and students, so there are less people in the building and a reduced risk of spreading Covid-19. Find your Election Day polling place here.

Whenever you plan to vote, the first question on your ballot will be the Fair Tax Amendment. We urge you to vote YES on this once-in-a-lifetime change to instill fairness in our state’s tax code by asking those with higher incomes (over $250K/yr.) to pay higher rates, and those with low and moderate incomes to pay lower rates. It will raise $3 billion per year in revenue to invest in our schools and communities. And it will NOT affect your retirement income.

The IFT has also endorsed Joe Biden for President of the United States. Between a failed pandemic response, attacks on labor unions and teachers, a worsening economy, and action after action that mocks our democracy, it’s time to vote Donald Trump out and instead vote for a candidate who listens to teachers, will protect our schools and government, and stands up for working people’s health and well-being. Don’t forget to review the full list of IFT-endorsed candidates. Thank you for voting in Election 2020!

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