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Instructions for Voting on Contract (Affects RC-29, RC-45, and RC-56)

Dear IFPE Member:

The IFPE 4408 Bargaining Team has reached a tentative agreement on a master contract with CMS. Please find attached a letter and summary from President Matt Emigholz (IFPE President letter and summary 8.2019).

Attached you will find the Tentative Agreement of the master contract inclusive of changes (Rolling TA Document as of 8.17.2019). (We will post the contract to the website soon.) Please note that you will be voting on ONE contract that includes all IFPE titles in RC-29, RC-45 and RC-56. The parties agreed to combine the 3 previous contracts into one master agreement. This was a process that was completed before bargaining halted in 2015; however, bargaining was not completed so it has yet to be voted on by the full membership. Proposed changes to existing contract language were made by both parties during bargaining and the agreement is what you will be voting to ratify.

We appreciate your understanding of the brief timeframe for information, meetings and voting. We reached the tentative agreement on August 16th and must have the ratification submitted (if it passes) by August 31st to CMS. Why the quick process? The stipend is part of the previous fiscal year’s appropriations. Since that fiscal year ended June 30th, the lapse period for submitting the stipend for each individual to the Comptroller is September.

The IFPE Bargaining Team will be conducting virtual contract summary meetings to explain the tentative agreement and answer questions. These meetings can be accessed by phone or via the internet. These meetings will be held at the following times on:

Monday, August 26th:

12:00 pm

via phone: 408.740.7256 or 408.317.9253

Meeting ID: 367 173 212

Meeting ID: 367 173 212

4:00 pm

via phone: 408.740.7256 or 408.317.9253

Meeting ID: 585 235 334

Meeting ID: 585 235 334

7:00 pm

via phone: 408.740.7256 or 408.317.9253

Meeting ID: 373 389 695

Meeting ID: 373 389 695

We will be conducting ratification meetings on Tuesday, August 27th at 10 different locations around the state. Please see list of locations and times below and attached (IFPE Ratification Locations).

Per Labor Relations at CMS, employees shall be allowed to attend ratification meetings with release time for up to 2 hours for travel and attendance. If the vote is held at your worksite, you are eligible for up to one hour release time. One hour of release time will be in paid status.

FPE 4408 Master Contract Ratification Locations

AUGUST 27, 2019

Voting will be held at the following locations (please note specific time for each)

WESTMONT (7:00 am – 7:00 pm)

Illinois Federation of Teachers

500 Oakmont Lane

Westmont, IL 60559

SPRINGFIELD (7:00 am – 7:00 pm)

Illinois Federation of Teachers

700 South College Drive

Springfield, IL 62704

FAIRVIEW HEIGHTS (7:00 am – 7:00 pm)

Illinois Federation of Teachers

Four Executive Drive Fairview Heights, IL 62208

MARION (7:00 am – 4:45 pm)

CMS State Regional Office Building

2309 West Main Street Suite 112 Marion, IL 62959

ELGIN (7:00am – 7:00 pm)

Elgin Mental Health Center Rehab Building 750 South State Street

Elgin, IL 60123

EFFINGHAM (7:00 am – 4:00 pm)

IDOT District 7 Headquarters

400 West Wabash

Effingham, IL 62401

DIXON (7:00 am – 4:00 pm)

CMS Garage 22

817 Depot Avenue

Dixon, IL 61021

OTTAWA (8:00 am – 4:30 pm)

IDOT District 3 700 East Norris Drive

Ottawa, IL 61350

CHAMPAIGN (8:30 am – 5:00 pm)

DHS (SNAP Facility)

705 N Country Fair Dr.

Champaign, IL 61821

MANTENO (7:00 am – 2:00 pm)

Manteno Veterans Home

1 Veterans Drive

Manteno, Illinois 60950

Additionally, members can vote online at the following link on August 27th between 7:00 am and 7:00 pm. Use your personal device (phone or computer) to vote.

To cast an electronic vote:

2. Enter your password

your password is your zip code and first 4 letters of your last name

if your last name only has 3 letters, add a number 1 to the end


Mary Jones, 62704 -- password: 62704Jone

Robert McDonald, 60462 -- password: 60462McDo

Anne Bow, 67403 -- password: 67403Bow1

3. Answer the one question and submit

The IFPE 4408 bargaining team appreciates your patience, your support, your understanding of the process and your continued membership.

Together we are stronger!

In solidarity,

Tom Jackson AVP RC-56, IFPE 4408 Negotiation Chairman

Chad Purcell RC-45 CMS Mechanics

Andrew Neubauer RC-29 Meat & Poultry

Carlton Merritt RC-29 Regulatory North

Jeff Warner RC-29 Regulatory South

Jason Jurs RC-29 Security

Kenny Arnold RC-29 Sworn

Support Team:

Matt Emigholz IFPE 4408 President

Deneen Pajeau IFT Field Service Director

Contact Us


217.523.3722 | 800.962.7124

4 Lawrence Square
Springfield, IL 62704


© 2023 Illinois Federtaion of Public Employees.

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